Sunday, September 8, 2013

Philippine Government Corruption

Do you know the reason why other countries prosper and Philippines do not? This is due to the fact that there are increased issues on government corruptions.

What can the citizens do? Those people inside the government (hopefully not all) are the ones who are taking the taxes of the citizens. These poor people work so hard just to feed their families and they have to pay for their taxes, without knowing where their taxes will go.

The country, is in fact, rich and beautiful, but those wonderful resources are not been given value. Some, I may say, corrupt government people took these money taxes for themselves, how selfish, right? They could have used these money taxes for something better such as for the use of education, housing, food, medicine, hospitals, transportation, and employment for the people, or maybe something to improve the country. 

Hopefully, there are still people within the government who are trustworthy. These citizens have the right to know where their taxes are going.

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