Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Guard Your Mouth

Think before you speak. You are liable on anything that comes out of your mouth. 

Many times we are quick to react on things, we are full of emotions that we don’t realize that what we do is not good for the Lord neither to other people.

A lot of times we are impulsive especially when we speak with hatred in our hearts. Be mindful of what you say because everything you say, you are accountable for it.

We meant it or not, sometimes we hurt people and we hurt God.

Therefore, before you utter words, think and understand first the situation.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Nothing is Impossible

Have you heard of the song - Nothing is Impossible by Planetshakers?

It's a nice song about how good our God is and how faithful He is to us.

Nothing is impossible with God. If you have faith in Him, even mountains can be moved. Faith in Him alone will save us. That is the purpose of our lives.

Have you ever questioned God? On what he is currently doing to us and what he has done for us? The fact is, he definitely has good plans for us. Some people might think that problems haunt us to punish us. But no, it would lead us to something good in the future. It is probably teaching us how to make us stronger and wiser. The very important thing is, we have to learn on how to lean on Jesus – EVERYTIME.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

How to win a battle?

In this life, we encounter so many trials. Life won’t be life without it. How many of you did not encounter a single problem in this life?

Every single day is a challenge for us, temptations come in and the question is how did we handle each of that? 

Did you take it on a positive or negative way?

The question is: Is your faith enough? 

With a simple faith from the Lord, it is enough for us to say we have finished our goal in life.
Accepting Jesus Christ in our life will lead us to Eternal Life.

Trials come because God wants to put our 100% faith on Him and not to lean on our own understanding. He wants us to understand that these trials are His and not yours.

He doesn't want us to be alone on this so He wants to put our trust on Him. At times, we struggle and we put our strength on how we can solve it. But that is not what God wants us to act, He wants us to fully trust Him and let Him do the works.

That is why impossible things become possible because God works miraculously.

We are soldiers of His battle. Not ours, but His. We do not lead but He leads the battle of this war.

So, is your faith in the Lord enough? The answer is YES. Actions come after your Faith.

Friday, March 3, 2017

God's Presence in Our Lives

At all times, we need the presence of God in our lives. He gives us strength and courage to do our daily tasks.
At all times, we need His guidance so we may know what’s good and bad, what’s right and wrong. 

With His presence, we have to ask for understanding and wisdom as it lead us to the right path and right decisions.

Without His presence, we may stumble and may cause us pain and disappointment.

Matter of fact, without Him, we will fail.

To have understanding and wisdom is great, it will ease our hearts and not to be easily angered and lead us away from hurt, pain and disappointment. We will have better understanding on why things are happening like this and like that.

Psalm 22:19
19 But you, LORD, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Living my life to the fullest?

How do you know you have lived your life the way you wanted to? And at its fullest?

Have you ever questioned yourself, what is my purpose in life?

You will probably never know the value of life unless you have come to experience a life and death situation, or losing someone you love, or probably become really sick.

I read the book "Veronika Decides to Die" by Paolo Coelho, it says a lot about valuing life. I love this author.

The main character was really eager to die with no particular reason. She probably just got tired of her boring life. Her attempted suicide lead her to a psychiatric place, so instead of dying, she was able to meet crazy people.

She learned that her failed suicide would lead her to a heart failure and she only has a week to live.

As days went by, little by little, she has come to realize she still wants to live. She met a guy, crazy guy, and in a few days she fell in love with him. Isn't that crazy? Probably. Because they are!

In the end, Veronika lived because the only remedy to her sickness is to have that will not to die.

Same thing happens, you will only realize the worth or value of something / someone, if it’s already gone or if you’re slowly losing it.

How important life is to everyone? For me, really important. Everyday is a new day and a new life.